Who Am I

Geoff Mulligan is a developer and consultant on IoT, Privacy and Security, a former White House Presidential Innovation Fellow, US representative to the ISO Smart and Sustainable Cities project and co-founder of Skylight Digital. While serving as a Presidential Innovation Fellow working on Cyber-Physical Systems for the Office of Science and Technology Policy and the National Institute of Standards and Technology he co-created and launched the SmartAmerica Challenge. Mr. Mulligan was the founding Chairman of both the LoRa Alliance, growing it to over 500 members, and the IPSO Alliance, making it the global voice for open standards for the IoT. Skylight is a digital consultancy focused on the confluence of Micro-Services, open API design, Internet of Things and lean/agile innovation for companies and the US Government.

Geoff created and lead the standardization of 6lowpan and helped create and deploy the Arpanet and IP technologies including the original design of IPv6. He helped form and found the Zigbee Alliance and has been instrumental in many key aspects of the embedded Internet – in fact Vint Cerf called Geoff the “Father of the Embedded Internet”. As a serial entrepreneur he built start-ups working on email security, next generation Internet technologies, wireless systems and protocol design. He holds over 15 patents, wrote a book on combating SPAM and testified before Congress on electronic commerce and computer security.
